Newly Engaged, Now Happily Married

Meet Christina & Doug. They are married now, but here is a few photos from the engagement session I had with them. I am sure none of us have been so cold in all out lives. With the wedding date closing in we had to find a way to get an engagement session completed. With out long cold winter there was little time to get it done. We made it happen. I picked a spot close to them that I new was great for a few nice backdrops. The location was in Dover, NH new a large old closed metal bridge. It is close to the city of Portsmouth also. We were cold at the bridge but down in Portsmouth it was so much better. The wind was just so harsh at the bridge. With the protection of the buildings in the city the wind was greatly reduced making it a mush more enjoyable photo experience.

Here is just a few of the photos from that session. I have already shot the wedding look for some wedding photos from them soon.

If your newly engaged or looking for a wedding photographer. Please check my wedding price page. I would love to work with you and help capture your day in your way.


B&W Image of a engaged couple
Loving in the cold air
Couple embrace in this photo
In the city the wind was so much less and we could relax a bit and have fun
Edgy engagement photo
Love this doorway. Love this photo. Love the way the edit come out.
Couple hugging in this engagement photo
Loving is a understatement with these two
A couple posing near the water at the ocean
Loving by the waters edge.
Best New Hampshire Wedding Photographer