Who Hires a Photographer?
We all love to take photos. I see photos being taken every place I go. It may be at the market when we see someone snapping a picture of a food package that struck a funny cord or at the beach when families want to remember a beautiful day as one. With so many camera phones in the hands of teens and young adults, photos are being taken by the thousands every minute. Some news stories are putting the numbers even higher. With close to 300,000 photos being added to facebook every minute. That is a lot of memories and not all should be saved.
That is why myself and many others are here. To make the memories that should be saved. To capture faces the way they should be remembered. In the right light in the right way. With angles and backgrounds that add drama to a scene to draw the viewer in closer and to tell a story. We need to create memories of more then just a snap shot or screen grab. Portraiture that is worthy of hanging in the space that you live for years to come only to be add to with updates and new family additions. When a child is born or a wedding has brought two families together.
Who hires a photographer? We all need one. Even the pro photographer will hire out another to capture unique images of their own memories or moment in time. Using the camera to tell a story and the lens to draw in the light. In the same way a photographer tells others stories, you as a consumer can aid in this story telling with the willingness to be posed in a way that not only encapsulates your true being, but to also tell of a chapter that is yet to come or is being writing as the photos take shape. So when you do need some family, senior or wedding portraits think about the professionals in the field of photography. If you think about it, you would only have the best person for the job to work on your home or car, right? So don’t think for a minute that it is any different with your life’s memory. Hire a professional photographer that will do the jobs you need done. In fact contact me today to set up a time for us to chat about your next set of family or wedding portraits. Contact page