PHOTO OF THE DAY – Ship Yard Surprise
On a trip over to Camden Maine I took many photos. A few sunsets a few photos of people in the streets. I took a portrait lighting class and shot many models male and female. We headed into the down town area for a day of street photography. We had the task of taking photos of ten people. They would be all strangers and we had to approach them and get them to let us photograph them. It was a bit scary but a lot of fun. Only one person said no thanks. We had a young couple follow us to another location to get shot of them in better light. We had a blast. About mid day we took a break and met down near the docks for a meeting and to check in with our progress. We had to wait for a few of the people in the group to make their way back to us. That is when I took a walk down the pier to the boats. I had my wide angle fish eye and my portrait lens. I set up my tripod and starting framing in all the boats. I would snap a few then move over a bit creating a different view and POV. It was a great shooting day. I made a lot of photos that day.
ABOUT THIS PHOTO: The clouds were screaming shoot me shoot me. I took many photo of this boat and it’s sister boat. You may have seen that other photo named “Glass Ocean” here. There was no surprise about the photos that day. Well maybe there was a bit of one once I was back at the computer and saw all the clouds and the reflections on the water. It was almost unreal to see them all loading on my screen. This is for sure one day I will not forget.