What makes a photo a photo? Is it the snap of the camera? Is it the eye of the photographer? Could it be that they seeing, the noticing something worth capturer with a camera? Maybe it is all of these. Anyone can point a camera and push a button. I think the real trick in taking a great photo over taking a good one is the eye of the photographer? What is captured on the camera senior is truly up to them. Some ways in which I feel photographers can make better photos is to start looking at subjects from a different point of view(pov). I mean that literally. Once they have a subject to photograph. Whether that subject is an epic landscape in nature or a model on a photo shoot or a small flower in a field. Changing the POV can take a good photo and make it a great one.
ABOUT THIS PHOTO: This is a great example of changing ones POV to create a better photo. I was walking around looking for things to snap away at with my camera. I had seen the rain had stopped but it was still very wet out. I saw this dripping tree and thought I wounder what I can create from it. Now I could have just stood back and taken a photo of the tree as a whole. I chose to change my POV. I am glad I did. I created this crazy image with many lines leading your eye around the photo. Looking for the end and the beginning. What is the main subject here? Is it the big branches, the little ones or is it the water drops about to drip from them? I think it is something different for every viewer. What is it for you? What is thing in this photo finds your focus? Leave a comment and let me know. I would love to hear from you all.