Ben & Mae ~ Lake Winnipesaukee Wedding ~ Laconia NH

Ben & Mae were married this summer at a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee in Laconia, New Hampshire. Family and friends gathered around the boat dock to witness the joining of these two families in marriage.  The forcast was predicting rain showers for the day and in fact, there were a few sprinkles in the morning. As the ceremony  approached, the clouds closed in and we knew the rain was inevitable. The mother of the groom was prepared and ready with fifty clear umbrellas, just in case.  I brought two of them down to the waters edge and had them ready and waiting. All was great for most of the vows. As they were getting ready to exchange the rings, the sky opened up.  I was lucky that I was on shore and under the cover of the trees for the most part. The brother of the groom grabbed two umbrellas and handed one to the maid of honor and he opened one too. All of a sudden,  it really started coming down.  I was just clicking away on my camera looking for that shot that would not only capture the moment of the wedding, but the beauty of the rain.  I have learned to use what some would think of as problems into advantages. I knew then and there, that if I highlighted the rain, I could capture their day in such a unique and powerful way. In the end, the bride’s words were beautiful. She said,   “It was perfect, and just like I wanted”  If the bride is happy, everyone is happy. To view more images form this wedding follow the link at the bottom.


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groomsmen at a new hampshire wedding  (8)

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flower girl carries flowers in a wedding ceremony

bride and groom getting married on a dock at the lake.
Wedding party on a dock at a New Hampshire lake

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Grooms parents show emotion in this photo at the wedding
Mother and father of the groom share a moment during the wedding

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Flower girl sits under an umbrella at this wedding in New Hampshire

Raining hard this bride and groom kiss at this outdoor wedding
The kiss is all that matters

wedding rings with flowers


bride and groom show wedding rings after wedding.


Contact me today for information about your 2015 wedding. Every wedding is custom and we can set up a custom collection that works within your budget to meet your needs.


Follow this link to there gallery. Ben & Mae’s Wedding Gallery

9 thoughts on “Ben & Mae ~ Lake Winnipesaukee Wedding ~ Laconia NH

  1. Jama says:

    Wow, I love her attitude about it. Sounds and looks like the perfect day. You did an amazing job capturing the joy of their special day. Beautiful images.

  2. Jennifer says:

    WOW, I’m just going to say I’m jealous of the bride. Every single thing about this wedding is imperfectly perfect. These are the most amazing images in the rain I’ve ever seen. Lake Winnipesaukee looks beautiful.

  3. Mary Anne says:

    Great wedding photos! Lake Winnipesaukee is beautiful. The images in the rain are fabulous and I love the one of the flower girl.

  4. Corey says:

    Love that they still got married in the rain! Such great memories!

  5. lori says:

    Amazing photos! Lake Winnipesaukee is lucky to have you as a photographer!

  6. Giselle says:

    OMG these are amazing wedding photos, now I want photos in the rain.
    Hands down best Laconia NH wedding photographer.

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