fine art prints

New Hampshire Wedding at The Wentworth Inn Venue in Jackson | NH Photographers Sneak Peek

New Hampshire Wedding at The Wentworth Inn Venue in Jackson | NH Photographers Sneak Peek

With the end of summer wedding season in New Hampshire about to start rolling, I was so happy to meet back up with a couple from an engagement shoot a few weeks ago. See some of the engagement photos here. I wanted to share a few photos from that day. These two were my picks from this wedding. The photos are below, but first a quick story.  The sun was shinning. The wedding was outside in a field next to beautiful The Wentworth Inn, in the village of Jackson, N.H.. It was like a lot of outdoor weddings. It was short and sweet. The rings were passed. There was a kiss,the couple was announced and with that, we all headed off to do some photos. We hit the old covered bridge down the road. We had a few poses there, then we headed back to the Inn. On the way back I was ahead of the limo that was transporting the wedding party. I saw a small pond at the public park and with quick thinking, I jumped out of my car and flagged the limo to stop. I asking the bride and groom if they wanted to do a reflecting photo near the water. The timing was great. There was a couple there fishing. The groom walked up asked them something and they handed their fishing poles to the bride and groom.  As you can see from the photos, it was a great spot for some photos and a nice little fishing hole. The groom hooked one.

Congratulations Jen & Mark. Cheers to many years of happiness and joy.


Wedding photo with a bride and groom fishing.

He hooked one. Great timing made these wedding photos what they are.

Bride and groom in a wedding photo with refection on the water.

True love times two.

Perfect Weather For An Engagement Session | Engagement Photos In Portsmouth New Hampshire

Perfect Weather For An Engagement Session | Engagement Photos In Portsmouth New Hampshire

After days of being near 90 degrees, it was a nice break to see it in the low 80’s. As a family, we took a road trip down to Portsmouth, NH. We walked around the city a bit, poking our heads in and out of the small shops. We stopped in at Bull Moose Records and looked over their vinyl record collection for trip down memory lane. We found our way back to the car and headed over to Prescott Park for a late afternoon picnic. Prescott Park was the location that the couple and I had decided on to meet for their pre-wedding engagement photos.  I feel that it is almost a necessity to have a photo session before the wedding. It is a great way to not only get to know the couple that you are going to spend 6-8 hours with, but it gets them in front of your camera and removes some of that shy, almost awkward feeling of the start to most photos shoots.  Most young couples have not had photos done, or at least not for a few years, with the last ones being high school senior portraits, in many cases.

Prescott Park was full – I mean very full of people. They had a play, Peter Pan, starting  soon . It was quite a production! I had a few minute to locate the couple and find a quiet spot to chat with them about what we were going to do over the next hour, or so.  First off, I noticed the couple was very comfortable being photographed. He was very happy to pose with her and be funny and open and was willing to pose for as many photos as she wanted. Many times, the groom-to-be isn’t really into being photographed. It was nice that they were both comfortable, positive and fun to be around. It makes my job so much easier!  We moved around of the two gardens. posed for some shots near the trees and the fountains. Then, they did a wardrobe change and we moved to the street for a few poses. We found a brick building in the second garden and that was all it took to finish up this portrait session. It was a great day, with a great couple! I am honored to be their photographer and I am so excited to capture the beauty, joy and excitement on their wedding day!

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Together pose with young engaged couple

One of our first shots from this session.

love was in the air

love was in the air

Graden photo of a young wedding couple

The gardens at Prescott Park were in full bloom.

Couple posing on a park bench

Trying to show the connection between these two.

A second photo on the bench with a young wedding couple

Wedding day is coming. Looking forward to it.

close up of the couples hands

Cropping to show more of the connection in this one.

couple poses near a building in this  engagement photo

Natural pose from them in this one. Loved these two.

Couple posing at a garden in Portsmouth nh

One last garden shot. See you at the wedding

Took Time Away From Blogging | Fine Art Photography

Took Time Away From Blogging | Fine Art Photography

I was posting a photos a day for over a month. Then why did I stop? I just got so busy time had to be spread out among other things. Here I am back to posting at least a few times per week. I am hoping to get ahead of it and get back to posting a photo a day once again. Thanks for holding out for me. That is if you did, LOL.

PHOTO OF THE DAY: It was a hike worth taking. I had to walk about a mile in the hot sun to get to this spot. It was about a half mile walk to and then the same walk back to the beach. This is the same spot I have posted before. Dirty Beach, again was one of our favorite see a past post about Dirty Beach.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: “Through The Looking Glass” was the title I gave this one. I find it adds to the emotion of an image if they are giving a name or title. I love how the ocean is lined up and viewable through the arch. I had no idea what I would find once I got to this spot. It was amazing to make the walk and then see this sight. I knew it would be worth the work to get to it.  This I shot from a tripod and took three bracketed photos to create this image. Thanks to modern photo software for helping to create the same sight I had seen on this day.

This and many of my images are available for product orders in my image print shop.

Natural arch in stone in Puerto Rico

Nature made: Arch in Puerto Rico at Dirty Beach

Ship Yard Surprise | Limited Addition Fine Art Prints

Ship Yard Surprise | Limited Addition Fine Art Prints

PHOTO OF THE DAY – Ship Yard Surprise

On a trip over to Camden Maine I took many photos. A few sunsets a few photos of people in the streets. I took a portrait lighting class and shot many models male and female. We headed into the down town area for a day of street photography. We had the task of taking photos of ten people. They would be all strangers and we had to approach them and get them to let us photograph them. It was a bit scary but a lot of fun. Only one person said no thanks. We had a young couple follow us to another location to get shot of them in better light. We had a blast. About mid day we took a break and met down near the docks for a meeting and to check in with our progress. We had to wait for a few of the people in the group to make their way back to us. That is when I took a walk down the pier to the boats. I had my wide angle fish eye and my portrait lens. I set up my tripod and starting framing in all the boats. I would snap a few then move over a bit creating a different view and POV.  It was a great shooting day. I made a lot of photos that day.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: The clouds were screaming shoot me shoot me. I took many photo of this boat and it’s sister boat. You may have seen that other photo named “Glass Ocean” here. There was no surprise about the photos that day. Well maybe there was a bit of one once I was back at the computer and saw all the clouds and the reflections on the water.  It was almost unreal to see them all loading on my screen. This is for sure one day I will not forget.

Image of a boat with an amazing reflection and clouds.

The clouds the bout or the sea, What do your eyes goto first?

Wishing Your Way To Summer | Nature Photo Prints

Wishing Your Way To Summer | Nature Photo Prints

PHOTO OF THE DAY – Wishing Your Way To Summer

Any dandelions in your yard yet? None here, but the are coming. Every year we get a ton. We live on land with about 3 acre of fields. We are blessed each year with many different flower type all session long. we get so many colors and varieties I am not sure what is my favorite, I guess all of them. Some days I will take time to walk the land and find some fresh growth. I forget I should be working in my wood shop at times and lose some of the day to snapping photos. I have a large amount of dandelion photos. I edit them in all different ways. Edited that show flowers with a silhouette in front of a sunset. From above with half the flower in the frame and the rest cut of the side. Many more flower prints to come.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: This was one of those flowers I was not sure if I would keep. Once I tossed it in to Lightroom I knew I had a keeper. Just a light edit was made. The color of the sky and the blurry tree add to this one showing off the very fine details of the seeds and the fluff (Taraxacum) on the top. Look for more flower photos soon.


Great photo of a dandelion

Flower are every were on our land. Here is a dandelion I found last year.


Renting Tilt-Shift Lens | Fine Art Photography

Renting Tilt-Shift Lens | Fine Art Photography

PHOTO OF THE DAY: Renting Tilt-Shift Lens

Last year I headed to the coast of Maine for a class. I was able to rent a Tilt-shift lens for my camera. They are an amazing lens. With moving parts that do what it says. It can tilt the angle of view and create an effect with blurring around the edge of the frame of the photo. It gives the viewer the feeling like the photo has been edited in such a way to give this look, but it is all done with the lens. I feel almost any photo could be turned into a fine art photo with the use of this lens. If you are new to photography or want to learn a bit more about what a Tilt- shift lens is check this Wikipedia page.


ABOUT THIS PHOTO: This was shot across Camden harbor. I was just playing with the lens and loved the way this looked with the Church steeple in focus and the rest of the city looking blurry and out of focus.

Photos of a Maine city using  title shift lens

The Effect here is from a tilt-shift lens.

Daytona Beach Landscape | Limited Addition Fine Art Photography

Daytona Beach Landscape | Limited Addition Fine Art Photography

PHOTO OF THE DAY- Daytona Beach Landscape

For a few years our family has made the trip to Florida making the trip via car and RV. We head to Walt Disney World for a few of the days. The Kids love the rides and I have learned to love them too. I think The Aerosmith ride, The Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. It very fast roller coaster with a few loops and high speed. The music is blasting as you make your way to a concerts staring Aerosmith. On the trip I take many photos of the parks and the landscape of Florida. We have also made a tradition of stopping at Daytona Beach on the why home. It is a great way to close out our time in Florida and a great start to a long drive back north. Ever time we have gone over to Daytona the weather has been great. Like most trips to the beach it is breezy and wet. The kids always say they are not go into get wet, yet they end up running in the water and then we need to find a place to change before the next leg of the trip. This day was no different.


This was taken with a 15-50 mm lens on its widest setting, trying to capture as much of the beach as I could. I think it looks great in Black & White. The seagulls and the pilers make this photo what it is. They are the a main subject and really let you know your at the ocean.  The one solo flying gull adds to the drama of the clouds and ties it all together. Prints are available for purchase in many sizes from 8×12 prints up to 36X48 canvas prints. I am offering this fine art print in a limited addition canvas print. There will be only 25 canvas printed they are 20″x 30″ and will be hand signed but me. The price is $250+$10 shipping. Contact me today to take advantage of this limited addition sale.

Photo of the ocean with seagulls and all wooden pillars showing the clouds

This Daytona beach landscape make me want to travel more.



What makes a photo a photo? Is it the snap of the camera? Is it the eye of the photographer? Could it be that they seeing, the noticing something worth capturer with a camera? Maybe it is all of these. Anyone can point a camera and push a button.  I think the real trick in taking a great photo over taking a good one is the eye of the photographer? What is captured on the camera senior is truly up to them. Some ways in which I feel photographers can make better photos is to start looking at subjects from a different point of view(pov). I mean that literally. Once they have a subject to photograph. Whether that subject is an epic landscape in nature or a model on a photo shoot or a small flower in a field. Changing the POV can take a good photo and make it a great one.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: This is a great example of changing ones POV to create a better photo. I was walking around looking for things to snap away at with my camera. I had seen the rain had stopped but it was still very wet out. I saw this dripping tree and thought I wounder what I can create from it. Now I could have just stood back and taken a photo of the tree as a whole. I chose to change my POV. I am glad I did. I created this crazy image with many lines leading your eye around the photo. Looking for the end and the beginning. What is the main subject here? Is it the big branches, the little ones or is it the water drops about to drip from them? I think it is something different for every viewer. What is it for you? What is thing in this photo finds your focus? Leave a comment and let me know. I would love to hear from you all.


Fine art image of a tree branch with water dripping off.

Water or tree, what is it you focus on?




Again we as a family were on a plane traveling once again back home from a trip. This time we were in Dallas, TX after a 5 day trip to a home schooling conference that my wife was speaking at. I was in the middle seat talking to the kids about the trip we just took and the trip we are about to take home. I know that some of the kids are fine to fly and a couple of them do not like it so much. As we sit and wait for the plane in front of us to take flight I am looking for a spot to take a cool photo. The plane turns just slightly and in doing so gives me a great view of the city. I snap a few and wait then a few more.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: I selected this photo from the group of shots I had for the one thing they others did not have. That other plane in it. I had not noticed until after I imported the photos on to my computer. This was the only photo that had a plane in it. I think it completes the story of our location. I mean you can tell it is an airport runway as it. With the plane it just says group level. I gave this photo that texture to add a kind of vintage look and feel to the photograph. I think it gives it a mood a time stamp. to me it looks to be a photo from maybe the 1970’s shot on film. I was happy with how it turned out. How do you feel when you look at it. Does it scream vintage to you also?

I am in the processes of adding my portfolio to my on line print shop. The site is hosted on another site called Smugmug. They offer many styles of prints from 8″x10″ photo paper up to 24″x36″ canvas wraps. I have a print on canvas option also that can print any whole image on the front face of a canvas wrap and print the wrapped edge black. This way you are getting the whole image in the face of the print and not losing any on the wrapped edges.

If you click this image you will be taken to my print shop and may view other images there. I have only a small percent of my work there now.


 vintage looking photo of Dallas TX airport from inside a plane looking at the city

Love taking photo on our trips around the world. This one is a fun vintage looking airport shot.




If you have been following me for a bit then you know I loved Puerto Rico and my camera did too. This is one of the first shots from Puerto Rico even know we had not even landed yet. The angle on this photo is so cool as it shows the depth of the city, almost like the Earth View on Google maps. You can see them in a 3D like style. It is like a tiny Lego city with the light hitting it all just right. This is was the light can do to a photo. With it being side lite like it is. It shows the depth. If the sun had been more over head and beaming straight down onto the city this would look flat non life like. It would give a totally deferent feel and mood then what we have now.


ABOUT THIS PHOTO: As we came in for our landing I pulled my camera out and started to look for something to shoot. We were still over water so I had to wait for a bit and then there is was Puerto Rico. I was surprised to see the city right up to the coast. Being a new traveler to Puerto Rico I was thinking the costs would be all beach and jungle. Proves we should not always assume what we think about a place is true, but that we should investigate it to know as much as we can about a person, place or thing. I edited this photo in Lightrooom as I always do. I never us Photoshop. I truly do like to use it. I like a quick edit of my work and lightroom does that for me.


Image of a city in  Puerto Rico shot from an airplane

Taken from the Airplane landing in Porto Rico





Location, location ,location. Like most things in life it is truly about the location. This is true for most business where we live and where we travel too. Lets face it if we live in a place that is not a good fit for our life style then the location is all wrong. Same goes for a business owner. If you own a gas station 100 miles down a old dirt road you wont sell much fuel. As a photographer we are always looking for a shooting location. This place was perfect for some fantasy like photos for me to create. This is one of many of the portraits taken this day. The wild backdrop of the dieing trees. The masked mystery of this beautiful model. The model in this case happed to be my wife.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: I wanted to create some magical looks in this photo shoot. It was not hard with all that was going for me with this set of photos. We had a great scene, great custom and great subject. I took a number of photos in this one set up then we changed it up a bit and took some wider shots with most landscape and the full body shot of the model. In this shot I desaturated it a bit leaving just a bit of color in the red dress and in her brown eyes. The mask has colored beads all over it so I really took the color fro that again to bring focus to her eyes. I like how it turned out. No I love how this photo turned out. We had a fun time working together as we always do.

If you want to create some fantasy portraits or are in need of a more traditional looking family or senior portraits please contact me today. Click here to Call From cell or email me here.

Exotic portrait of a beautiful woman with a Zorro mask on

I am a very lucky man in life, one plus is that my wife is very photogenic.




I live in New Hampshire. It is almost a three hour drive to the city of Boston, MA. we go there a few times every year. Most times it is to the airport for a trip to far off lands. That is what we were doing on this trip. The flight to Puerto Rico was the next morning. We most times book our flights so that we can wake up early drive down to the airport and get to the flight in the mid afternoon. This flight was a very early flight I think it was at 6 AM so it worked out for us to travel down the night before and stay nearby the airport making it easy and quick to get in, in the morning. As we wanted for some food to be delivered I noticed the sunsetting from our room window. I knew I had a very short time to get down to the rivers edge before the sun was gone and the photo op was too.  I had to find a a way to get past the fence that was separated our hotel form the water front area. I had to walk over some closed, abandoned rail road tracks to get near the water. It seems to be a spot that held a dock or pier of some kind. The post were all but rotted away. The light was getting more amazing by the minute. I set up my tripod and starting framing up some shots.
ABOUT THIS PHOTO:  I took many photos but this one is one of the keepers. I took 3 bracketed photos at different exposers.  Then blending them together in Photomatix. Creating the HDR effect you see here. I like this photo for the many elements it holds. We have the city of Boston, the great windmill with office or factory building next to it and of courses the epic sunset tying it all together.  The tripod was a must have for this type of shot.


Joe Marin

Sunset photo looking towards city of Boston MA looking over the Chelsea River

It was so fun to capture this great sunset shot. I had to explore a bit to get to this spot. Totally worth it.

DREAMS COME TRUE IN PUERTO RICO |Travel Photographer Joe Martin

DREAMS COME TRUE IN PUERTO RICO |Travel Photographer Joe Martin


Dreams came true all vacation long when in Puerto Rico. One of those dreams was my daughters. This dream turned out to be a photographers dream as well. She always wanted to try paddle boarding. It just so happed that the person we stayed with on this trip had some friends that were big on paddle boarding, so big in fact that they made and sold paddle boards. We were in luck on the day we went to Crash Boat beach. The weather was terrible when we got there. We all were ready to give up and leave when the clouds broke and we had the best beach day ever. Tiffany was in heaven on the board . She picked it up so fast. I am not sure if she fell off once. I on the other hand had a hard time of it. I just could not stand up. I was told after that the boards we had been using were designed for people of a smaller size. Meaning a person my size 6′ 185 lbs needed a longer board to hold them. I was in the water more then on the board. That was fine. I did what I do most time at the beach, took loads of photos.
I took so many photo here birds and waves wide angle with the fish-eye lens and many of the family playing in the water.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO: Tiffany was so at home on the board she mad easy look easy. This shot was a bit underexposed do to the sun being behind my subject and blasting me in the camera lens. Once I imported the photos into Lightroom I was off and running. Dropping the shadows even more to give it this silhouette feel. The water was made a bit crisper by upping the clarity a bit. She looks like she is just gliding on the water with ease, and she was.


silhouette photo of a girl paddle boarding on the ocean

Tiffany our daughter loves this spot. Paddle boarding is her thing.


Far and Away

Far and Away


Amazing landscape scene in this seasonal photo taken in New Hampshire last fall. The color is amazing this time year. From my point of view it was hard to even pick a spot to point the camera they were all amazing and so full of foliage. I took many others and even a pano photo from this place. It will be some time before I make it back in to my archives and edit the rest. The one thing about always shooting landscapes is you always have so many images to pick and chose from. Finding that one form the shoot that is just a bit better then the rest. If you have a moment head over to my on-line gallery and view some of my other works. The images in my gallery are all available for purchase as well. Thanks again for viewing sharing and liking my work. Comments are also always so nice to receive.

Joe Martin

Landscape photograph view across a New England mountain range in the fall full of color

What a site to see here in New Hampshire. The fall is truly amazing .




Bostons Logan airport has many faces. If you are flying in out or driving by on the high you get a perspective of the airport that is not viewable from the other location. After years of renovations I hope they are done adding building and roads inside Logan. Being that it is the closest major airport to our home in New Hampshire we have travel in and out of it many times. On a recent trip to drop my family off on their way to the UK for a 10 day trip I took a little trip of mine own.
I knew if I just drop around I would find the waters edge and I was glad I did.  I found this spot in the back of a parking lot behind a small restaurant in the town of Revere which is right next to the city of Boston. I set up my tripod and blasted away in the direction of the airport knowing I would pull some eye candy from the card one home. Here is one of a few shots I pulled from the card. This one is another 3 shot HDR photo I built in Photomatix and then finished up in Lightroom. I ending up liking this soft look so I added some noise reduction and dropped the clarity to almost add a look of a water color painting. Hope you enjoy.


Joe Martin


Photo of Logan airport form across the water at sunset

One of the many faces of Bostons, Logan Airport



Paddle Not Needed

Paddle Not Needed


This is the space were all you need is a canoe and someone you love. Just drifting in the water all day. This photo shows the early fall colors in New England. With the sky and the reflection off the water. It is truly what a day dream would look like. Do you just want to sit and float all day? This and all my images are available for purchase. Just imagine walking out to your sitting room and getting to view this scene when ever you wanted.  Just click the photo to be taken to my print shop maybe there is another image that speaks to you or as a gift to someone you know.

New England foliage reflecting of the water in this very colorful photo

Want to going fishing in this watering hole?






On our trip to Puerto Rico I was able to take many new existing photo of the ocean the jungle and some crazy bugs and animals. Here in this photo at the edge of the jungle might be one of my favorite from the trip. It truly was an amazing sky. It was just after eating dinner I was cleaning up in the kitchen and looked out the window to see the sunset and the purple in it was almost fake looking. I just drop everything then grabbed my gear and ran up the hill to this spot on the conner. There was houses behind me but none on this spot. I stood trying to catch my breath and be fast about setting up my tripod and camera. Once I saw the back of the LCD screen I knew I had something. I moved and composed a few more shots and baam the sun had set.

Joe Martin



Nature photo of the jungle in Puerto Rico

Looks like a T-Rex is going to come running out any second

Life in the Country

Life in the Country



On a return trip from upstate New York our pug Buddha had to use the restroom. As I pulled off the exit I saw this great old iron bridge. I tried to find it via my internal compass. As I was closing in on the bridge thinking I will find it. We drop paste what looked like and turned out to be a castle. This castle turned out to be a restaurant.  As we let the dog walked in the woods near by I snapped some photos and created this one. I was happy the clouds were playing nice. Nothing worse then finding a great location and having a gray or totally blue sky. With the small patch of flowers the sky and the green of the trees I was able to display the beauty of this old stone barn and silo. It was a great find. I never did make it to the bridge that day. Maybe next time.

Fine art photo of a Wide shot of a barn the field next to it and the beautiful sky in this

We found a caste and a barn


Look for a new photo of the day at 10:30 EST right here at




On my trip to southern New Hampshire for a photo shoot last year. After I took the photo of the river I headed over to the boys YDC institution. I had heard there was some empty abandon buildings there. One of the buildings. The one pictured below was rumored to be hunted. It was boarded up so I could not see the inside so I set up and captured a few photos of its exterior. I liked the way this looked in black & white. Hope you like it too.

Joe Martin


Black and white photo of an abandon building

Abandon building at the YDC institution.

Sowing Seeds

Sowing Seeds


Driving the country side at sunset is a great way to snap up a few photos. This picture is not at sunset but it was on the way down. It was taken looking in to Maine from New Hampshire. Loved the clouds and they are what made me stop.

Thanks for looking at my page.  Joe Martin


Nature photo looking across a farmed field

Looking north into Maine



Joe Martin is a New Hampshire wedding photographer also creating portrait and family photography.

For booking information please contact today

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